Perfect to hint always the same items, independent of user input.
Useful when only some hints should be displayed depending on user input.
When you want to append hint value to the input.
Update your hint list whenever you need it.
Type: boolean
Default: false
If set to true any hint containing user input will be showed, no matter the position e.g. typing "cat" would match "concat"; If set to false only hints beginning with user input will be showed.
Type: string
Default: 'append'
Accepted: 'append', 'replace', 'autocomplete'
If set to true any hint containing user input will be showed, no matter the position e.g. typing "cat" would match "concat"; If set to false only hints beginning with user input will be showed.
Type: boolean
Default: true
If set to true any hint containing user input will be showed, no matter the position e.g. typing "cat" would match "concat"; If set to false only hints beginning with user input will be showed.
Type: boolean
Default: true
If set to true any hint containing user input will be showed, no matter the position e.g. typing "cat" would match "concat"; If set to false only hints beginning with user input will be showed.
Type: boolean
Default: false
If set to true any hint containing user input will be showed, no matter the position e.g. typing "cat" would match "concat"; If set to false only hints beginning with user input will be showed.
Type: array
Default: empty
If set to true any hint containing user input will be showed, no matter the position e.g. typing "cat" would match "concat"; If set to false only hints beginning with user input will be showed.
Type: number
Default: 16
Number of pixels between hint box and window boundaries.
Type: boolean
Default: false
If set to true expensive positioning under cursor will we omitted and hint container's left edge will be aligned with input's left bottom corner.
Type: string
Default: '_'
Character or characters that trigger displaying of popup. If you want different triggers for different hint lists define them in hints
setting. If you do so, you don't need to populate this setting.
Type: integer
Default: 1
Number of characters that need to be typed before hint list gets displayed.
Type: string
Default: '1.0'
Accepted: '1.0', '1.1'
This option corresponds to WAI ARIA specification version.
Arguments: hints
Fires after first initialization.
Arguments: new hint or hints; string, array or Object
Add new hints.
You will find all the code on Github.